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Claymation project

My first claymation project was inspired by a Dystopian end of the world theme.  An asteroid is racing towards earth and my animation was a number of scenes reflecting the panic on Earth and the arrival of an alien. 
I was most interested in exploring the animation techniques, frame rates and enjoyed the fact that you can be in control of your final project much more than you can with live action for example as the auteur you can change direction if you come across an interesting new direction because there is just you, the clay and the camera. It is still crucial to have a good detailed plan before doing this but I like working in this way as when you work in a team, unless you are completely in charge the decisions you make about the filming require everyone to agree on the ideas. 
The images below were stills i took as i went along. 


The final piece was never completed as this work was started in 2020 and was interrupted by Coronavirus Pandemic which ended by Creative digital Media  BTEC suddenly.


This Powerpoint in process shows my animation research and evaluates the process I went through making my film including story board and mood board.  


Animation work

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